1. Replace Stepper Motor
2. Replace Fuel Filter
3. Working on replacing Input Shaft Sensor
4. Use "Wyns Injector Fluid in Petrol tank to clear injectors.
5. Check all vacuum hoses for "gunk"
6. Check Alternator and wiring
7. Clean Idle Screw
Points 3-7 yet to be done (this weekend)
The following Pic shows where the Stepper Motor is, Fule filter and also the "Output" Shaft Sensor. I initiall thought this was where the Input Sensor was located, but it pays to double check and read the manual.
The following picture is the pinout for the "Output Sensor"
This pic highlights the Output Sensor - had some probs in getting it out from the top, but by going underneatht the car, I was able to gingerly leverage it out with a screwdriver.
This pic shows the location of the Input Sensor. it pays to remove the air filter and pipe so as to get to it easily. The pinouts of the sensor are also very important, given that there are two types, as the pins determine which type you require. They also idenitfy whether your car is a pre 09/95 or a post 10/95 model.
The following can help in determining this
http://www.camskill.co.uk/products.php?plid=m3b17s12p7076&i=11632 - up to 09/95
http://www.camskill.co.uk/products.php?plid=m3b17s12p1035&i=9265 - from 10/95 onwards
Close detail show it to be a pre 09/95 model.
This guide has been taken from ftoaustralia
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